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Read and Remix Blog #9

After going through student’s websites from Mat’s past classes (mainly from the classes that were most recent because they compared more with our current curriculum) I found a couple of websites that I admired. I enjoyed viewing all of the different set ups, pictures, and ways of organizing the material for Projects 1, 2, and 3. I have been having some issues determining how I was going to set up my website, so this task helped me determine the pros and cons of websites, and allowed me to solidify exactly how I wanted to create my website.

The first website I looked at was Joe’s. The link to his website can be found here: He has a total of 4 tabs at the top including ‘Home’, ‘Project 1’, ‘Project 2’, and ‘Project 3’. I liked how I was able to click on each tab and everything for that specific project was found there, chronologically. Also, he had aesthetically pleasing pictures that changed every couple of seconds. I didn’t like how his blog posts were not easy to locate, and that his final reflection was found on his home page. I think it would be more beneficial to make another tab at the top titled ‘Blogs’ so they are more accessible.

The second website I looked at was Charlotte’s. The link to her website can be found here: She has a total of 5 tabs at the top of her website including ‘Home’, ‘Blog’, ‘Project 1’, ‘Project 2’, and ‘More’. I definitely like how she included a tab titled ‘Blog’ because her posts were very easily accessible and all found in a single location. Her decorations for her website were simple and I didn’t have any trouble navigating her site. I didn’t like how she didn’t include a tab titled ‘Project 3’ because there are many pitches, drafts, genres, and a final draft that she could have included in this tab, instead of in the ‘Home’ tab and the ‘More’ tab.

Altogether, I found it very useful to go back and look at previous classes website’s so that I was able to establish exactly how I wanted to construct my website, especially to make it easier for the user to navigate to all of the requirements for the class.

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